Wednesday, 17 October 2007

I've been tagged (ABC questions)

Wow! i been tagged again by a friend of mine named Fe, this is about the ABC questions. Thanks Fe and happy blogging everyone!

Instructions: Each player starts with random habits/facts about themselves. People who are tagged need to write on their own blog about their things, as well as these rules. At the end of your blog, you need to choose some people to tag and list their names. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them that they have been tagged and to read your blog!

A - Age: 44years of age
B - Band Listening To Right Now: None
C - Career: Business owner
D - Drink or Smoke: smoke, occasional drink
E - Easiest Friends To Talk To: depoends about what
F - Funniest moment on your life: I have lots of funniest moments lol
G - Gummy Bears or Gummy Worms: gummy bears
H - Have a Boyfriend/girlfriend: yes
I - In love: to Debbie
J - Junk Food You Like: Quick (that's the Belgian Mc Donalds, only better lol)
K- Kids: 3 of them : Julie 11, karis 9 and Thibeau 7
L - Longest Ride Ever: Antwerp to Newcastle UK
M - Man/woman you love the most: Debbie
N - Names For Your Future Kids: No kids planned
O - One Wish You Have Now: Win the lotto :P
P - Phobias: None
Q - Favorite Quote: "never say never"
R - Reasons To Smile: Lots of things
S - Sleeping Hours: usually 11:30 pm
T - Time You Woke Up: 8 am
U - Unknown Fact About You: wouldn't be unkonown anymore if I told, would it lol
V - Vegetable You Hate: None
W - Worst Habit: smoking I guess
X - X-rays You’ve Had: Once from my brain (they didn't find any) for a concussion and once when I broke my arm
Y - Yummy Foods: too many to name
Z - Zodiac Sign: Virgo

I will tag 4 people named: Fe, Nelli, Debbie and Diane


Nellioness said...

I lllllove it! Thanks for tagging me Rudi :)

Femikey said...

accept this award for u my friend. check it out

Femikey said...

i am tagging u again! check it out

Anonymous said...

Smoking cigarettes is really an expensive habit. The average price per pack of cigarettes, for example, is just about one dollar; people who smoke two packs of cigarettes a day therefore spend $2 per day on their habit. At the end of one year these smokers incur a huge debt.